Once thought to be only a big city problem, gang violence has spread throughout our country.As law enforcement has become better equipped to suppress gang violence in urban areas, gang members have taken their activities into suburban and even rural areas.With the community prosecution philosophy empowering prosecutor offices to forge partnerships with the community, law enforcement, and public and private agencies, the community prosecutor is uniquely situated to address neighborhood safety. Because community prosecution is a collaboration of community stakeholders, the community prosecution model is flexible and can address a wide range of gang-related activities such as gun violence, prostitution, drug dealing and nuisance properties.The community prosecutor can coordinate different groups and agencies to address neighborhood gang problems.There is no formula one must follow to improve the livability of a community, but by applying the community prosecution model, the community prosecutor stays proactive in helping reduce gang violence.
Author: James F. Hayden
Federal Sponsor Agency: BJA
Provider: National District Attorneys Association
Publication Date: 2007